partnered with vultra and the rest


Loving YTtalk
so... i got partnered with vultra like 2 weeks ago (you probably heard loud screaming then). i am really happy about this. it's probably the start of something - something interesting and new in my life.

it hasn't been easy for me i'll tell you that right now. what with my constant disabilities and such. in kindergarten (i think i was about 2.5) my "teacher" (a hideous creature) tied me to a chair (no not the kinky kind). i was diagnosed with arthritis when i was 3 and (this isn't your grandpa's arthritis where he can't get up from a chair, this is full on joint damage, very limited movement and weakness type) from there things kind of snowballed. in a couple of years i stopped walking a couple of years later i stopped growing. i mean completely. then i came to usa when i was about 10 (from russia) and is about 1.5 years came up with crippling back pain. turns out i had fractures. just pffft. noone told me why or said anything before (this was 100% preventable IMO)... i was laid up for over a year. (again not the good kind of laid).

i had to delay finishing my high school.... graduated with honors actually. sat on that field for 3 hours in the baking sun and was real happy.

then nothing for a few years.

now this... for me it's big. real big. (i dont presume myself the best at moviemaking (i make some animations for others) or editing or whatnot but still...)

i thought i'd do a video where i say some of this s**t about myself (i'm getting constant hate comments about my voice) but now that i think about it, the video'd just be a morbid collection of disabilities. that and i'm sort of a private person... (so i say after airing all my dirty s**t here)... LOL

i think i'll stop there.
LOL nothing interesting here i assure you mate. there's an omelet in my pants by now, from life kicking me there over and over and over

i hope thats a metaphor LOL
haha life doesn't like to play fair and deal us all that winning hand i wish you better days ahead and congrats on joining vultra!!