Partner but no Banner Need an advice.


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Hi guys and fellas here, i am partner with youtube and all monetizing are running good, i have all settings confirmed and it says that i am partner confirmed, but i have no settings for banner.
Do i have to join any partnership sites like rpm socialblad fullscreen to have banner ?
will really apreciate a bit of help, already submited to fullscreen and the even said nothing.
Hi guys and fellas here, i am partner with youtube and all monetizing are running good, i have all settings confirmed and it says that i am partner confirmed, but i have no settings for banner.
Do i have to join any partnership sites like rpm socialblad fullscreen to have banner ?
will really apreciate a bit of help, already submited to fullscreen and the even said nothing.
You have to have partnership with a network for those features, try a gfx/gaming network :)
Sorry to break the news to you but, that is not full partnership, that is standard partnership, you need to be partnered with a network for full partnership.
From my research YouTube removed "Channel Banner" functionality for new partners from March 2012. The way to obtain this now is through joining one of the many existing YouTube networks or unless you are a direct brand partner with YouTube.
Hi guys and fellas here, i am partner with youtube and all monetizing are running good, i have all settings confirmed and it says that i am partner confirmed, but i have no settings for banner.
Do i have to join any partnership sites like rpm socialblad fullscreen to have banner ?
will really apreciate a bit of help, already submited to fullscreen and the even said nothing.
You're a partner alright but not a "full partner" , Youtube has 2 kinds of partners, The ones with the whole features (Scheduling, Banners, Custom thumbnials .. etc) and ones with some of the feature like your case ! now to be a "Full partner" you must have like 1000 views daily or so, And you'll gain everything :p now the fastest is to apply for a network and they'll give you all the features of a "full partner", I would recommend that you don't go any farther than the fullscreen famly
You're a partner alright but not a "full partner" , Youtube has 2 kinds of partners, The ones with the whole features (Scheduling, Banners, Custom thumbnials .. etc) and ones with some of the feature like your case ! now to be a "Full partner" you must have like 1000 views daily or so, And you'll gain everything :p now the fastest is to apply for a network and they'll give you all the features of a "full partner", I would recommend that you don't go any farther than the fullscreen famly
i appyed by them two times and they didnt told me nothing
you're not actually a full partner yet, sorry.
you have to actually partner through a network for all the partner specialties