
My Ma doesn't know but I don't think she'd care anyway. It's not like I make vids remixing my butt jiggling or tutorials on how to be a skeezy ho. lol. She'd probably just be like... "Oh."
My mom knows, I don't think she has much of an opinion on it though :P I don't think my dad knows, I'm not really in contact with him.
They know I do, but they don't watch them and thank God. It's a little awkward for me to record when a parent is in the house or when your parents are watching your videos, I don't know :D
Hey guys.

I just thought about if your parents know that you did YouTube, and if they do why, or why not :)
Mine doesn't :)
my parents new about my youtube the day i made the channel but they dont think i will become popular but im begining to prove them wrong :)