Pairing audio from external mic to video


Hey everyone, I am was new as new can get to this whole thing and I am looking for a little help.

I currently use a GoPro camera, an iPhone 6 plus with external mic, and iMovie. I learned from several YT channels how to sync the two in iMovie by using the 3 clap method, works like a champ. Here is my problem. Once I have them all synched together how in the heck do I cut out the clapping in the video. When I try to trim the video/audio the two are no longer synched together. I hope my question makes sense.

Any help or thoughts are greatly appreciated.
I'm not super experienced with iMovie, but you should be able to cut the video and audio and delete the part with the claps without moving any of the clips on your timeline.
I was hoping so Ernie Jo, I juts cant figure it out. I am really hoping someone here has an idea because this is holding up my entire project, and for the life of me I cannot figure it out. When I go to cut those parts out it moves everything and they are no longer synched. So frustrating. Thanks for the reply though.