Gaming OPTIKS Gaming - looking for a new Media Manager


Hello there,

My name is Nick, and I'm the community advisor over at OPTIKS Gaming, and we're currently looking for a new media manager, one that'll be responsible maintaining our YouTube channel, feeding it with new content and basically taking care of it.

Now, what is OPTIKS Gaming?

"OPTIKS Gaming is an international multi-game/multi-platform gaming community. It's a pretty old community, started way back in 2007.

What is our gaming philosophy, you may ask?

OPTIKS Gaming plays on a "casual-hardcore" scale, meaning sometimes we're just casual, sometimes we're hardcore. We believe that everyone should be in control of their own time. We are all gamers, most with families, full-time jobs, kids, or other activities that fill up our time. So when we have time for gaming, we want to game how we want! So some gamers will be more of a casual play-style, some will go full hardcore. But we leave it up to the individual player.

We offer a wide variety of events, scrimmages etc. All this is conducted via our website/forum and TeamSpeak server.

Some perks of our community include:

* An established community - OPTIKS Gaming has been around since 2007 and holds leadership dating back to Rainbow Six 3, Battlefield 2, Counter Strike, and much more.

* Professional forum software - We use Xenforo as a backend to our site.

* Voice chat - OPTIKS Gaming uses the latest version of Teamspeak to communicate, with our current server being able to house over 40 users.

* Mature and friendly members - OPTIKS Gaming prides itself in having likeminded and mature gamers of all ages, and of all heritage. Anyone is welcome."

We're currently looking for a mature and friendly media manager, one being capable of delivering well done and high quality videos under the OPTIKS Gaming umbrella.

One that must be able to communicate with other leaders, as well as being able to communicate via our website/forum, chat software and VOIP server. And.. of course, having the love for gaming. We don't care when you started gaming, we just want you to be passionate about it, and never be half-assed in your actions, ever.

So, if you're interested, drop me a comment below.

Thanks, and have a good one!

- Nick
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Wouldn't you wanna give out some info about your youtube channel? Is it already established? Does it have followers? How many?
This seems like a lot of work for someone without that knowledge.
Wouldn't you wanna give out some info about your youtube channel? Is it already established? Does it have followers? How many?
This seems like a lot of work for someone without that knowledge.

Hello there,

Our "current" community YouTube channel is pretty small, compared to others. We've got 18 subscribers and an average 30 views per video. We've just recently gotten it up and running again, which is why we're trying to look for someone to take the initiative and become our new Media Manager, and ultimately become responsible for it, whilst gaining promotion for his or her's own YouTube channel.

I would like to share some URL's, including our website, but I'm not allowed to do so, for however the reason may be.
Hello there,

Our "current" community YouTube channel is pretty small, compared to others. We've got 18 subscribers and an average 30 views per video. We've just recently gotten it up and running again, which is why we're trying to look for someone to take the initiative and become our new Media Manager, and ultimately become responsible for it, whilst gaining promotion for his or her's own YouTube channel.

I would like to share some URL's, including our website, but I'm not allowed to do so, for however the reason may be.
See that's what I don't get, how will you in turn give him/her promotion for their Youtube channel, if your own only has that small a following?
See that's what I don't get, how will you in turn give him/her promotion for their Youtube channel, if your own only has that small a following?

Promotion will be done via our website and/or forum (and our overall community), which has quite a steady amount of members and activity. We do realise that our YouTube channel isn't big enough yet to provide that (promotion/advertisement) on its own.
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Promotion will be done via our website and/or forum (and our overall community), which has quite a steady amount of members and activity. We do realise that our YouTube channel isn't big enough yet to provide that (promotion/advertisement) on its own.
Don't get me wrong, I think someone working for mutual benefit to provide more content is a great idea, and so on.
But I visited your website, and even the first post you see on the frontpage, has 9 views. I doubt that this could really "drive" traffic per say.
As I said, I'm not trying to down your idea, I'm just interested as to where the traffic would be coming from.
Dude I am just saying as well as my channel I am also looking to be hired for another youtube :D I can read game news, podcast with others whatever you want me to do I will do it :D
Dude I am just saying as well as my channel I am also looking to be hired for another youtube :D I can read game news, podcast with others whatever you want me to do I will do it :D
If you're serious about getting hired for anything regarding news/podcasts, you should invest in a solid microphone.
Don't get me wrong, I think someone working for mutual benefit to provide more content is a great idea, and so on.
But I visited your website, and even the first post you see on the frontpage, has 9 views. I doubt that this could really "drive" traffic per say.
As I said, I'm not trying to down your idea, I'm just interested as to where the traffic would be coming from.

I'm glad you visisted our website,

I agree aswell with the mutual benefit, and I don't try to come off here as some sort of major gaming community, with over a million members and constant activity. If I did so, then I apologies, because that wasn't the intend. But our activity is big enough to sustain a steady view count for an upcoming YouTuber, but obviously not big enough for someone who's already running with over a 1000 subscribers, perhaps even more. We've been rather inclosed, in terms of advertising, and are trying to open up.

Dude I am just saying as well as my channel I am also looking to be hired for another youtube :D I can read game news, podcast with others whatever you want me to do I will do it :D

To break it down, we're looking for someone willing to record game footage whenever we do scrimmages, events etc, to produce newsletters and just overall content that would advertise the community, perhaps a trailer.