Opinions on my channel banner,channel name and profile picture


Well-Known Member
I recently changed my channel banner i think it looks fine but I would love to know what you think about it along with my channel name and picture. Just click that button and let me know down below ! :tonguecute:
Looks alright. I'd suggest setting up your homepage, it makes your whole channel look nice and put together.
Personally, I think the text on your banner needs to be in darker/stronger colours. Right now, it doesn't pop against that white graphic behind it. Channel name is fine, I guess, I don't watch the kind of content you make so I don't really know what your target audience is looking for. Finally, I don't think the profile picture you're using is a good choice. Profile picture, like your banner, should reflect the kind of tone your channel has. I mean your channel's name is "Love 2 Be Random" so your profile picture should reflect that.

Anyway, thats my 2 cents. Best of luck to you and your channel!
I feel like the background looks more important than your text.The text doesn't pop enough. It's not HORRIBLE, but it could definitely be better. I think it could be cuter, because you're adorable and happy so your banner should set the tone for the channel, or what you want it to be. I like the name of your channel. The picture could pop more though.