Oops... Now what to do with the footage >:)

Lol ive already been moved once! :p I don't mind where it goes im just chatting xD.
Haha that is true ... :c I waited a .... long time for that one moment which was ruined in seconds.
I would indeed like to :p but not come of as being petty
Omg...really??? oooops....didn't see that O_O I just thought because you were talking about what you should upload that it should go here lol...oh dear..................I'll leave it here for now.......
Well yeah you don't want to make yourself look bad because of what some guy did. But anyone who knows you and watches your videos knows how awesome you are...so they'd probably understand if you have a moment :D[DOUBLEPOST=1400420323,1400420272][/DOUBLEPOST]
Hi hope you are well!

(I'll move this to the YT forum)
Lol I'm so sorry..I went and moved this to the Video Planning section. My bad.
Omg...really??? oooops....didn't see that O_O I just thought because you were talking about what you should upload that it should go here lol...oh dear..................I'll leave it here for now.......
Well yeah you don't want to make yourself look bad because of what some guy did. But anyone who knows you and watches your videos knows how awesome you are...so they'd probably understand if you have a moment :D[DOUBLEPOST=1400420323,1400420272][/DOUBLEPOST]
Lol I'm so sorry..I went and moved this to the Video Planning section. My bad.
haha sall good ;P awww thanks xD haha <3 too kind :3! good point though ;P :3[DOUBLEPOST=1400420707][/DOUBLEPOST]
Hahaha poor Bluebear..having her thread moved all over the place. Good thing she luvs me :D Tee hee hee.
Lol i know right! noone wants my poor thread ! :P true i do luv u ^_^ :3
:D Not much just passing time and such haha! :p how about u :D? :3 I am okay thanks :3 hope u r well :O!? :D :3 <3
Eee I love those little faces you use. Yeah I'm just relaxing right now. Not sure what we're doing today...the kids don't have school tomorrow..it's the May 24th weekend woo hoo.
Eee I love those little faces you use. Yeah I'm just relaxing right now. Not sure what we're doing today...the kids don't have school tomorrow..it's the May 24th weekend woo hoo.
Lol! xD Thanks :3 Relaxation is always a good thing :D! Ooo I am sure will/did have a great time hehe :D! I stayed home haha! so much fun I am ;) :3 <3