Only uploading every 10 days?

I would let your analytics be your guide. Are you getting spikes when you post followed by views dropping off? Also, how is your audience retention on those 30 minute vids? The longest I've ever done is 22 minutes, and my audience retention on that vid is pretty poor. Most my vids run between 5 and 15 minutes.

With movie commentary, I'm wondering if you might have more success breaking each session into multiple uploads. If you can do one 30 minute vid every 10 days, it seems you could break it up into two 15 minute vids every 5 days, or three 10 minute vids every 3 days or so. If you want to keep them "together" in a sense, you could then build playlists for each grouping of videos that go together, and when someone clicks on your playlist, the vids will play back to back. Yes, breaking up the commentary sessions will interrupt the flow, but you can keep your audience anticipating the next session, possibly maintain higher retention, and "ping" the algorithm more often with content.