Ok well. I was wrong -_-

Jacob Alsobrook

Yes, I have pants. Do I wear them? No.
Sorry fo ranting the other day about related channels. Yes, they are a good thing as I have now found out. I have never looked at my analytic for subscribers and apparently I had gained two from related channels. So yes. They are a VERY good thing. I just wish I could know who's channel I showed up on...
Yeah I agree I wish you could find out more information.

I have gained 15 from being a recommended channel. But I would love to know where that popped up since obviously I am never gonna see it myself!
Yeah I did. I just went ahead and did it yesterday when everyone was all like. "Well der is that ONE chance!" I was like, ya know, they could be right. And they were :D

Yep! Also, once your channel hits 1,000 subscribers you start appearing more frequently. The more subs, the more you appear (views don't really come into it for that, because I have noticed that certain levels of subs get mentioned in certain areas of the site)
Yep! Also, once your channel hits 1,000 subscribers you start appearing more frequently. The more subs, the more you appear (views don't really come into it for that, because I have noticed that certain levels of subs get mentioned in certain areas of the site)
Once they see dat 1k they be runnin
Sadly yes. People are vain. Subs in the Three digits? pfft. Who wants to be seen around that? The more digits, the more 'cool' you are in many people's eyes. *facepalm* Sad, I know.
Yep, luckily even though I'm not even close my irl friends have been supportive even though I don't have dem four digits, or even three for that matter xD And meh internet friends are supportive as well. Some people understand that just because they haven't been noticed yet, they can still pump out quality content.
I've gained 6 from recommended channels. But I wish they wouldn't just put the top youtubers most of the time. My gaming channel saids that apparently it's related to all the big youtubers, when really they have nothing in common with my channel. Now if it was big gaming channels, I'd understand.