Non-Let'sPlay Gaming Videos

It's not a "let's play" though, because of the edits he uses. I don't consider it one anyway.
Hm, good point. I wonder what I would title that sort of video though, haha. I do like the idea of doing random, funny stuff in games rather than the usual playing and commentating.
Hm. I think that still counts as gameplay and commentary. It's just edited to show certain parts of the gameplay. Also, Cr1tikal is just way more hilarious than I am, haha.
It's not actually. While it has no title, it's a montage of part of a walkthrough. Only showing the good parts
What do you define it as? If it's gameplay with commentary, you can do things like add a face cam to engage viewers to your game experience, you can add other footage of videos, cut and edit, etc. There are lots of things, just be innovative, there is no wrong :)

My original plan was to make a vlog channel so I like to call mine "Let's play and talk" because I play and I talk--which I suppose is still close to a traditional let's play :p