News channels ?


Is it me or did the hype over news channels die down? I'm not as active in the YouTube drama scene anymore but if feels like it's less of a big deal.
Does team 10 count? Their new and everyone is going crazy over them!:)
Not what he meant. :p

Well since Scares went MIA Keemstar pretty much holds a monopoly on the youtube Drama news.

Aswell as SourceFed closing down kept PhillipDeFranco ontop for general news on youtube from what i've seen.
the main reason is because we can look it up on twitter or facebook, why should a youtube channel with very long video be better to get the information. there is this channel call "The Know" that stalls and misleads everyone on news, it's so bad that one developer DMCA them.

This is the main reason news channel is dying, too many youtubers are losing to social media post, the channels are lying to everyone and we have better things to do.
I watch Peter Monn for drama, because he makes a big joke out of it and is hilarious. Phil is pretty much the only "news" source.