New YouTube Username...

Considering changing our youtube channel name to something more cleaner and simpler. The channel consists of me (Jack) and Tom. We are a general gaming channel primarily... Any ideas? I loved the name 'The Digital Brits', unfortunately they are inactive now...
I had a similar experience with my older channel
Can you even change your name?
no you can't, as far as i know. I have this account since 2006, the name was "filipe687" and back then i didn't care about youtube at all, just wanted to comment. Lately i changed the name into "Fieel" and now everyone sees me as the new name, except for the link that is still, and that's annoying.
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it works as simply[INSERTYOURNAME]
Yes I know what you're saying but what I am trying to say is I don't remember ever choosing that url... I want to change the (insertyourname) part and I never had the option of going into advanced options and changing the url...