New Minecraft Channel


Active Member
Hello everybody!

My name is McCrafterMc (IGN being Bricksalot) and I have recently created a YouTube channel that focuses around Minecraft! I know there are about 50000000....... Minecraft channels that exsist out there, but I hope that with a combination of posting a video Monday, Wednesday, and Friday (starting Sept. 3rd), having HD quality videos (recorded with fraps), and live commentary (with a decent mic) I can stand out without the use of too many parentheses (I had to google that spelling...eek...) Anyway, the link to my channel is at the bottom of the thread!

This is a link to the second video out of the three I have released so far (episode 1 of my Lets Play Survival Minecraft series), for those who don't want to spend the time to look for a sample of my content:

As I said earlier, I have just started out, so currently I only have three videos uploaded, but I hope you stick around for more (near) daily content!

You can find the thread for all of my videos here:

Have a great day, and please take a moment to look at my channel!
Any constuctive critique is always welcome!

McCrafterMr (real name being Larson)
Thanks for the offer, I'll definitely keep tabs on your community, and one day if I'm ever fortunate enough to reach 1000 views per video, I will most definitely apply :).
Great video, man!

I can offer a few tips, though.
So here's some pros and cons-

Excellent mic AND video quality- stands out from a lot of other people using Camtasia.
Great voice. Reminds me of SeaNanners or Captain Sparklez, very listenable to.

Amount you upload. Remember there's nothing wrong with uploading frequently, but I myself upload once every 2-3 days. Sometimes more, sometimes less. But when you're starting Youtube, people will click the other videos dropdown at the top and see you have a bunch of videos with under 20 views each. Not that you have a "bunch" of videos. But in time, like a week from now, your videos will still be getting the same amount of views and you will continue to upload daily, making people think that the quality of your content isn't very good (again, it IS good content, but Youtubers judge based on sub count, video count compared to views, etc.) So it's up to you on how much you upload. Though you are producing great, entertaining content people judge you based on your video amount and video views. I've uploaded 7 videos in the past week and a half, each video excluding 3 has gotten over 60 views, and one of the 3 i just uploaded last night.

Cut your videos. Here's an example of one of my minecraft videos:

Now you'll notice that I cut my videos to the exciting/funny parts. Not saying your videos isn't entertaining- because it is, very entertaining, but if you cut the boring parts such as cutting wood, gathering dirt, mining coal, etc, (unless you are saying/doing something funny) it adds to the quality of your video. Most people don't do this, and in turn people sit there and say, well, this is boring, after a minute and a half, and click off. But when something new is happening every 30 seconds to a minute, they watch it, because it feels new and refreshed- not to mention more exiting. Just a tip, though.

Overall- I like your content. It's very good, and if there's anything I can do to help you out- let me know. I could put you on my long list for BG's and intros, but you'd be really far down that list :P

So yeah, I really like where you're going with this. Your audio quality matches up with the pros, and your video quality none less. I will surely continue to check out your videos when you post them here- and if you continue to show you're uploading great content- I'll sub, definitely.

Rock on !
Thanks for the critique FlyingDonuts! Being compared to SeaNanners and Captain Sparkles is certainly high praise, and I can't thank you enough!

I'm glad to hear that my audio quality is coming out well - I'm going to be getting a new mic soon, because if you listen closely to my audio it is staticy, and it makes my s's and p's sounds fairly electric. Also one of my friends listening to my video said my voice sounded muffled in the video. Hopefully that will be resolved with a new mic! Do you or anyone have any reccommendations for good mics with fabric around it (prefferably) to prevent air hitting the mic itself?

As for video releases, I think I am going to stick with releasing near daily content as that is a large part of how I've advertised myself, so changing it up at this point wouldn't really help getting subscribers and viewers. It might actually scare some viewers off, because I think viewers look for consistancy in video releases.

I will definitely cut my videos where there is long spans of nothing. I don't think it will be quite as cut as your video was, but I will cut out long spans of cutting down trees, and all that jazz. It might actually cut down my video length to a reasonable length overall, which would be very nice and compact.

I'm glad you like my videos overall! I'll definitely take a look at your channel and videos as well!

(P.S. Where should I "post them here" [my videos]?)
Just make a new thread in this part of the forum for all your new videos.

As for a mic, I suggest the Blue Snowball if you're looking into spending a lot. Tejb uses that mic and IMO he has the best voice quality on youtube. I'm going to buy one down the road.

As for video length, people like long videos as long as they are entertaining all the way through. The Minecraft video I showed you, that was actually 25-30 minutes of us playing.

You're doing a great job, if you keep it up I'm sure you'll go big :)
The couple vids I watched were quite good. Only piece of critique I have at the moment is in regard to your audio. It is by no means bad, and getting a decent quality mic could do wonders.

The two things I noticed were:
* A small amount of background noise (possibly a PC fan?)
* Your intro music almost completely drowns out your voice where they overlap.

All said, you've got a new subscriber here, and from my first impressions you seem like the kind of person I'd want to play Minecraft with. :)
Hi Bwochinski,

Yeah I'm getting a new mic soon, I have it ordered and soon it will be delivered :).

The small amount of backround noise was static from my crappy mic, and with the new mic it should be fixed up.
I'll take the level of my intro down a notch, thanks for pointing it out. It's always a challenge to balance music audio with mic audio, but I can definitely take down the volume.

Thank you so much for the sub! I'll definitely check out your channel! And yeah, we can probably set something up sometime :).
Hi Bwochinski,

Yeah I'm getting a new mic soon, I have it ordered and soon it will be delivered :).

The small amount of backround noise was static from my crappy mic, and with the new mic it should be fixed up.
I'll take the level of my intro down a notch, thanks for pointing it out. It's always a challenge to balance music audio with mic audio, but I can definitely take down the volume.

Thank you so much for the sub! I'll definitely check out your channel! And yeah, we can probably set something up sometime :).

Awesome, what mic did you get? I just got a new mic myself, haven't even recorded with it yet.