LaggCompensation I've Got It Jan 13, 2013 #11 Thanks for subs and ideas, this will definitley make a healthy video!
LaggCompensation I've Got It Jan 13, 2013 #12 Editing Now! Thanks for the questions and make sure to watch the video!
2bonic Nothing Is Talent If Everyone Can Do It Jan 13, 2013 #13 LaggCompensation said: Editing Now! Thanks for the questions and make sure to watch the video! Click to expand... coool!
LaggCompensation said: Editing Now! Thanks for the questions and make sure to watch the video! Click to expand... coool!
Mike Kowalski Director of ImaginationLand Jan 13, 2013 #14 How did you come up with your YouTube name? What is your favorite video game?
AverageShane Loving YTtalk Jan 14, 2013 #15 Would you rather eat a Cup or get hit in the face my a Eagle?
TwinTails Got music? Jan 14, 2013 #16 How much wood, could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
LaggCompensation I've Got It Jan 14, 2013 #17 Uploading now, forgot my save location, and a load of other stuff, so had to re-render Gah, Should Be up in 2 or 3 hours I'll link it
Uploading now, forgot my save location, and a load of other stuff, so had to re-render Gah, Should Be up in 2 or 3 hours I'll link it
K KyleEff Member Jan 14, 2013 #18 If you had only one sentence to say to an alien that just landed, what would you say?