
Liking YTtalk
If any one is a fan of the creatures then you will no what I'm on about. Recently me and two other youtubers/friends are trying to create a kind of family network where there are only a certain amount of people in the network and they are all good friends and get along with each other. Basically we are trying to set up a creature network where every one has there own separate channel and one big group channel. If any one is interested in joining us we do ask for a few things:

- good quality videos and sound
- good internet connect and a Skype account
- I'm 16 so it would be preferable if you around the same age to
- an amazing sense of humour !!! (Defiantly)
- not easily wound up !!!
- I'm British so it makes sense to be able to speak English and speak it well !!!

You DON'T need a certain amount of video views or subscribers.

JOIN NOW I'm wanting to start up a network minecraft series !!!

Thank you for your time :D