need some advice on to edit

thank you guys for being helpful. Ill use this software some how to make funny noises when i die or something in games. :) it be really helpful if i can get a tutorial on how to use videopad
thank you guys for being helpful. Ill use this software some how to make funny noises when i die or something in games. :) it be really helpful if i can get a tutorial on how to use videopad
you can look them up on youtube, that's what I did. It's really simple, it just seems complicated
you can look them up on youtube, that's what I did. It's really simple, it just seems complicated
idk why i ask people for tutorials, i always FORGET about youtube has almost everything Lol. wow sometimes i wonder about myself :)
The way I edit out my swears is by replacing the word with a free sound effect. If you google "free sound effects" it's on the first hit. In there you get an entire database of free efects available for download. Just search something like 'bleep' or 'censor' and download it, simples.