Need ideas for future videos


Active Member
Hey Guys,

At the moment my channel is a gaming channel, I focus on call of duty but i dont have to be constantly on that game, so i can play other games and make series to keep my subs happy :)

Im not sure what games i could play or if i should stick with call of duty, if so what could i do, (etc. Road to master prestige, Road to diamond camo) those example are pretty standard so something else would be great :)

Any response would be appreciated


I've recently stepped away from CoD, as the community in-game has become less than enjoyable to me. Mind you, my channel is VERY small, but I've gone back to my first love: sports games. Those have turned out more popular for me. Just don't do videos on a game to please certain people: the fact that you don't enjoy them may lead to poor quality. Play some things that interest you! Do a Let's Play!