Need help with Thumbnails?

Hey guys!! So when i upload a video to youtube, i make a custom thumbnail and theres always black around it. So what i did this time, was went to paint and resized it to 16:19 ratio, and then used that as my thumbnail and it just looked weird, all stretched and stuff. I dont use a screenshot from my video, i take a picture with my cell phone and edit it, then use that as my thumbnail. Any help?
The correct aspect ratio is 16:9 (not 16:19).. this is why it was all stretched out.
For the world's easiest and FREE way to make YouTube thumbnails, you can use Canva [Google 'Canva']
If you don't already use it, you'd love it. Easy easy easy.

Tip: pick the 'Google Cover' template and just design away.

Good luck.