need help with channel name

You're giving me little to work with. KillJoystick, MisterMissile, FirstPersonShatter (as in glass breaking, not ********), TankYouSir, MarineCorpse (Corps), KamikazeGaming (I couldn't think of anything else to pair it with), FrontlineFrenzy, ChaosRains, etc.[DOUBLEPOST=1393573451,1393573407][/DOUBLEPOST]
These types of threads shouldn't be filled with so many jokes, I don't think you'd appreciate it if that's all the help you got if you made the thread.
how does FirstPersonChaos
finding a name for yourself is hard... When I was like 10 I started a blog where I talked about Lego. I needed a name so my brother said, "call it bricksontheloose" and so I've stuck with it..... But for names.. Find something your interested in, Mix it with a short form of your name...
My other nickname is MoonMel. I came up with it when I was younger. I use to be into space and planets (Hence the Moon Part) and Mel cause My name is Melissa.

Idk if that helps any...
With the amount of punctuation and words you omit, I am questioning what your first language is. It sounds good, though it's better if you like it.
sorry dude I replied when I first woke up. What I meant to say was how does FirstPersonChaos sound? so sorry!
sorry dude I replied when I first woke up. What I meant to say was how does FirstPersonChaos sound? so sorry!
FirstPersonChaos is a pretty good name. No worries, I misread words all the time - I usually stare at the sentence trying to make sense of it for 2 minutes before realizing I'm adding words that aren't there. I think staring at the screen for 8 hours a day for 5 years is screwing up my vision.