Need help coming up a name for a series

Well when I name a series, I tend to think of something that is unique to my channel and to my brand. For example - with my new iGM Talks channel - I have my Small Talks. They are short videos that are comedic in style and are designed to be a light kind of comedy to make people smile or to entertain. This links to my branding of iGM Talks as well as explaining the kind of content it will be. It is short in length and could be considered "small talk" in everyday life.
In a way it is a pun, it is unique and links with my brand.

When thinking up a series name, try link it to your channel. Try making it original and unique to your channel. Something catchy, simple and straight to the point usually - in my experience - works best.
When I'm looking for somwthing I normally just search; How to.. and then the things I'm looking for, so it would be How to play x.. not super creative, but prob. good for searches :)
Alliteration usually gets people's attention. I don't know the name of the game but if it were Mario for example lol you could do:
Mastering Mario