No problem! Programming is actually in theory quite simple. It is logical. So logical, in fact, that us humans begin to complicate it haha

Be sure to take your time through the early steps such as learning variables, operators, increments and key words even if it seems redundant and simple, because those basics are what you will later need in order to actually make something work! Also, be sure to google for some "homework" instead of just listening and copying Bucky (owner of newboston) and his work. What seems common sense when he works it out, may be entirely hard on your own! So make sure you try to come up with your own ideas.
Also, if you get decent enough where you can make an application, congratulations

I have made a music library in Java, and although it isn't better than your big names such as spotify or iTunes, it's quite satisfying having your own unique application, bugs and all

hope you get into it and good luck

Well that's really preference. If he wants to learn website, then he should learn HTML, then CSS, then some JavaScript, then PHP / MySQL etc.
Learning HTML first will not help you if his goal is to learn Java, C++, iOS Development / iMac Development (Objective-C) or python etc. So, it's up to his personal interest in what he chooses first.