I Love YTtalk
Thats a bummer, I would of loved to see you do that. I saw another youtuber do it a few months ago and it was hilarious. I really want to do it in one of my vids but I am crap with song lyrics and would probably just pee myself too much and give it away
ermm how about during the stream tell a story or something from your life but hide a song title of a huge popular song in it and see if the viewers can get it. Obviously you would have to tell them at the start what the challenge is. Or get them, at the start of the stream, to give you a certan amount of words/things/people/lyrics(whatever you choose) and you have to include them somewhere in the stream without them figuring it out.
I don't know I am really clutching at straws with the last one, well both tbh lol
Ooh, I could use the house phone! All is not lost, I could do this! Any other idea's?