Need Channel Graphics For Shoutout


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Shoutout: If the Graphics you make are good, and I approve of it going onto my YouTube Channel
I will give you a shoutout. I average about 75 Views per video (I know its not that much) but if you are interested in maybe getting your Graphics, a bit more "out there" I think this could help. Also if I like the Graphics enough I would be willing to give a small "tip" through PayPal.

My channel name, although it is currently called "CubizFIFA", is getting changed to just "Cubiz"
Colours I particularly like are: Red, Blue, Black, purple, gold.

- Please do not have a "Video Game" as the background to the banner or logo.
- I would like the logo and banner to match
(If you don't get what I mean by "match" look at my current logo+banner).
- Be creative with the logo if you can, because I am not really sure what I want.
Some suggestions are, it can include the letter "C" it can contain/have something to do with cubes.

- The banner needs to have my 3 Social Medias on it,
'Twitter logo/StrategyGamin'
'YouTube logo/StrategicMr'
'Twitch logo/cubizfifa'
If you could incorporate the logo into the banner that would be good, but you don't have to.
Also you can put my channel name "Cubiz" onto the banner if you feel it would look good.

You can contact and send me your graphics via email: