Need challenges to do !!!

I've been looking for challenges to do too! This thread is so full of great ideas, I love the one about putting toothpaste back in the tube.
hey do the tea bag challenge, I did it. All you do is try and see how long you can keep the inside of a tea bag in your mouth!
I know this is crazy late but people might still look at this - we think we made up the Laffy Taffy challenge on our channel - it was pretty funny!
Hey hey, quite a number of people wanting challenges. This challenge is hard to explain so I have recorded it and currently editing the video. Would be awesome if you can record the attempt and let me know how you got on. I wanna put a montage together of peoples attempts. :bounce:
In a nut shell the challenge is lifting your finger off a table.........sounds easy right? lol
This simple party trick of mine, you are not meant to be able to do it. Apparently its physically impossible. All it involves is using a muscle in your hand you never use. Once its up I'll let you know
Ok people my challenge is up and running.
The tag works perfectly now. Just put in The jazz chicken challenge. should be top of the list
<<<<<<It should look like this guy
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