Need a rant topic.


Active Member
I am going to do a series called "Rantastic" in which, I rant about certain topics, but I have no earthly clue what to rant about. So I was wondering if anyone had any ideas? keeping in mind there will be things I have no idea about.
*Cracks fingers*, rant topics, so many to choose from but it would depend on your knowledge on the topics you're going to discuss ie society or meida etc.
Okay, with media you can talk about how pretty much everything is portraied in a certian mannar e.g. Media outlets in the US such as CBS that would be defined as "left wing" and would help that specific person obtain success in say presenditinal elections. Another topic that comes up would be the use of words and how media portraies ethnicites etc differently, showing one group as superior, friendly etc and another as compleatly hostile.
Okay, with media you can talk about how pretty much everything is portraied in a certian mannar e.g. Media outlets in the US such as CBS that would be defined as "left wing" and would help that specific person obtain success in say presenditinal elections. Another topic that comes up would be the use of words and how media portraies ethnicites etc differently, showing one group as superior, friendly etc and another as compleatly hostile.

it seems that everyone else beat you to the punch with that one with black lives matter.

How about the education system (common core).

I could get something out of that with the whole, "take certain classes" thing that happens in the UK
Depends on how serious you want to go. If playing it straight you could pick a major news story or do a general topic like American politics, The Olympics, Brexit, or social and economic disparity in the world.

If you want to be a touch lighter than those, you could go with celebrity culture, people that shine their brights in your eyes when driving at night, people that look in the medicine cabinets of others, annoying ringtones, movie adaptions that are never as good as the books, flip flops, etc.

Just make sure you research your topic even if it is lighthearted in tone so you can explain why you hate it. You want to appear knowledgeable in your righteous rage.
I could get something out of that with the whole, "take certain classes" thing that happens in the UK
No... I am not talking about the UK, I am talking about the US. In America the learning experience is complete hell.
Basically Common Core takes math and breaks it up into steps. And you are REQUIRED to learn some of this stuff using Common Core.
So as a result it is made far more confusing and basically making things harder.
And best of all, some teachers don't even know how to do Common Core, because they learned it the normal way and look at them, they are fine.
Also homework is terrible here in America. While we are trying to become smarter than China, China is making it less stressful to do your school work.
Meanwhile we are making it more stressful.
Depends on how serious you want to go. If playing it straight you could pick a major news story or do a general topic like American politics, The Olympics, Brexit, or social and economic disparity in the world.

If you want to be a touch lighter than those, you could go with celebrity culture, people that shine their brights in your eyes when driving at night, people that look in the medicine cabinets of others, annoying ringtones, movie adaptions that are never as good as the books, flip flops, etc.

Just make sure you research your topic even if it is lighthearted in tone so you can explain why you hate it. You want to appear knowledgeable in your righteous rage.

Don't worry man, whenever I hear about things, i try do as much research as possible so i know where I stand.

As for intentions?... maybe light hearted but if there is a serous issue I need to talk about, I'd be more formal.