Ryan Hiles
Thanks, appreciate the help.PCGamingGuys = PCGG
PCGamingDuo = PCGD
DualGamingYT = DGYT
NonConsoleDuo = NCD
Thanks, appreciate the help.PCGamingGuys = PCGG
PCGamingDuo = PCGD
DualGamingYT = DGYT
NonConsoleDuo = NCD
Thanks for the tip. (Taken on board).RDgaming
Use your names somehow in them. It'll make it easier
Thanks, i'l consider something like this. Still relatively undecided though.how about something like RaydianGaming, DarienGaming, or RadionGames?
Gratitude for the idea but Satan, I would like to believe i'm not that bad a person.gamingwithsatan