My youtube channel just got suspended for no reason!


Absolutely the same here. I have a DIY projects channel (Mr Useful) thats mean is an educational channel that really brings true value to the Youtube community ... and I got my channel deleted with no reason.
  • More than 100k subscribers.
  • More than 15M views
- Never did clicbait,
- never copied content,
- never did anything that could be against youtube policies.

Sincerely, I'm completely disgusted about this :(

I just fill the form, and now Im waiting for an answer.
yeah its an old trick that youtube eventually updated their terms on, so old vids advising it are wrong now. It's unfortunate whatever the case is, I hope you get a response, try messaging the google help forums where real YouTube employees frequent.
I hope it helps!

Okay I will reach out to them and check it out. I appreciate your help!!
i see your channel is back both of you gratz...
my channel got terminated no reason no warning had no copyright strikes nothing
videos created in fair use so unfair... same happend to my friend channel taken down no strikes nothing fair use videos taken down both
I did tag a lot in my description, only because I felt it was related to the content I posted.

He's talking about tag SPAMMING in the DESCRIPTION, not the tag section. Like trying to get a higher listing for your dog video, by including the following 64 words in the video description:

Pitbull Pitbull Pitbull Pitbull Pitbull Pitbull Pitbull Pitbull Pitbull Pitbull Pitbull Pitbull Pitbull Pitbull Pitbull Pitbull Pitbull Pitbull Pitbull Pitbull Pitbull Pitbull Pitbull Pitbull Pitbull Pitbull Pitbull Pitbull Pitbull Pitbull Pitbull Pitbull Pitbull Pitbull Pitbull Pitbull Pitbull Pitbull Pitbull Pitbull Pitbull Pitbull Pitbull Pitbull Pitbull Pitbull Pitbull Pitbull Pitbull Pitbull Pitbull Pitbull Pitbull Pitbull Pitbull Pitbull Pitbull Pitbull Pitbull Pitbull Pitbull Pitbull Pitbull Pitbull[DOUBLEPOST=1486961522,1486961165][/DOUBLEPOST]
I got my channel deleted with no reason - never did anything that could be against youtube policies. I just fill the form, and now Im waiting for an answer.

Just checked, MrUseful channel is BACK UP!! It's now 12 days later. Sometimes, you just need to be patient.