Liking YTtalk
Here you will find the high quality video game music for your enjoyment (Smash Bros, Sonic, Pokemon, Gears of War, and just about anything else I feel like).
No extensions, no remixes - just the pure music, the way it was meant to be heard.
I own nothing in these videos. All tracks are owned by their rightful companies and credit / support should go to their respective composers. Please support these companies and individuals.
Thanks for listening! I hope you enjoy these tracks as much as I do.
i accept requests
Here you will find the high quality video game music for your enjoyment (Smash Bros, Sonic, Pokemon, Gears of War, and just about anything else I feel like).
No extensions, no remixes - just the pure music, the way it was meant to be heard.
I own nothing in these videos. All tracks are owned by their rightful companies and credit / support should go to their respective composers. Please support these companies and individuals.
Thanks for listening! I hope you enjoy these tracks as much as I do.
i accept requests