My channels new direction! :D

Just remember you may lose a few subscribers by making this move, but overall it should be worth it. Some people will unsub as you won't be putting out as much GMOD content for example. However, the more variety, the bigger the audience you can appeal to.
The only problem you have to worry about is running out of games to play :c
That's what I'm trying to find some games that have decent length storylines. I just borrowed a bit of money and bought Super Meat Boy on steam, so I'm going to start my Let's Play on that tomorrow, that should give me atleast 10 episodes. c:

Just taking baby steps at the moment to see what works and what doesn't I guess. I'm at that point now where I have to decide what I'm going to do for the rest of my channels life, considering you can't make these decisions at say 1000 subs etc.
That's my biggest reason I quit the AdventureCraft series.. I personally stopped enjoying it after having to restart the world twice... Haha
I'm planning on dropping a series within the next few days because I want to move on to something I will enjoy more. If I enjoy the game then I'm sure the viewers will enjoy the video x)
Hey dude....I'm totally looking at doing a similar thing. I want to cover a variety of hardcore and casual games from both indie and big name devs. I'm thinking of doing a mix of both throughout the week for multiple uploads to help combat the people that are there for just one or two series (as in, I don't want to do 1 indie game a week and make my subs for that wait forever).

As for the 1 ep a week on some games, 52 weeks = 52 episodes....averaging 15mins each we'll say is going to put you at like 13 hours of gameplay. For some games you may not even finish the story in a year of YouTube. Just keep that in mind.