My Channel Seems Stagnant?

Bro D

I started out my youtube channel great. I hit 15 subscribers in no time at all. Granted mostly friends but still, I was off to a decent start. Even after that, I seemed to hit 20 subscribers within the next week or so. And it feels like I have not gained a single subscriber within the last month or so. I upload regularly, and there is not to many long gaps between uploads. Probably 2 to 3 days between uploads at most. ANYONE have any tips on how to keep a consistent growth pattern going? Or just simple tips on how to grow more? Thank You.
My first subscribers took forever, i stuck at it n hoped for the best honestly.
Nowadays I do rely on social media to attract people to my channel.
Or I'll do a special one off video to increase interest to attract subscribers.

I also talk to my friends about my youtube and try and help them feel involved with it.
like, if someone asks what i'm doing, i'll say how i'm working on XX for my YouTube.
Sometimes this spikes interest and sometimes they feel a bit involved that way and more likely to share it around with their friends.

my growth has usually been little but consistent tho c: