MY CHANNEL IS GROWING! Annnnnnnnnnndddd its gone...

One always has to realize that we got the global world as an audience, here on Youtube. As such, there's going to be an extreme amount of volatility in how the information flows back and forth. As people have said before me: Be patient and look at things long term. Of course, seeing this is a global output with all its volatility (as said), you necessarily need to consider things on an even longer term than you're used to.

General rule of thumb: The more volatile, the more time (i.e. information) you need in order to see trends.
I think its like the stock market. It goes up. It goes down. When you put out a video, its often the one you least expect to go big. For example I put out a simple 1:30 video on my channel and about a year later it has 23,000 views...and I only have 256 subs. So just hang in there.