Movie Maker Wont Render


I am trying to get a short video to render in Windows Movie Maker but it isnt working, I keeps crashing as it is rendering and I end up needing to shut my whole system down and restart just to open it again and get the same problem. I am on Windows XP, 1gb memory. I really need some help fixing this soon.

Thank you.
Are you publishing to the same drive as your windows installation? I know its better to publish to another drive if you can.
Are you publishing to the same drive as your windows installation? I know its better to publish to another drive if you can.

I have had that problem myself a few times when I used to use it, I always found it faster to another drive and also less likely to crash for me. Did you have any luck with this Joe?
I have had render problems a few times in all the common video editing programs and after a reinstall everything has worked properly.
Is it HD video? what types of files are you importing into it as they could be too much for your computer.