Monetization settings are not available for your content owner


New Member
When I'm trying to enable monetization it says “Monetization settings are not available for your content owner” (see attached the screen shot).
There are 3 more channels connected to this email and there is no problem with monetization.

Please let me know if you need more info.

Thank you!
When I'm trying to enable monetization it says “Monetization settings are not available for your content owner” (see attached the screen shot).
There are 3 more channels connected to this email and there is no problem with monetization.

Please let me know if you need more info.

Thank you!

I might be totally wrong, but can't you only have 3 channels attached to your adsense account? I feel like I've heard that somewhere.
@Stike96 totally wrong. Before the 10K Rule came in, I had more than 9 attached to mine. Now I think I have four or five still. I think what has happened here, is the OP has a CMS attachment to the first channel on his account. That Content Owner channel cannot be monetized, as it is the monitoring station for Content Management of his media asset fingerprints uploaded to the CID Program.

The other possibility is that the OP's first channel is part of an MCN, and the MCN owns the content on that channel.

@Stepan Which of these (if any) apply to your situation? If neither, I can explore further possibilities
Why would his CMS not be able to monetize, unless he hasn't linked his AdSense?
"the monitoring station for Content Management of his media asset fingerprints uploaded to the CID Program"

I saw this on the old YouTube Creator Help forum about two years ago. He can monetize any other channel on the account except the one which was originally granted CMS access if I make no mistake. He has his Adsense linked to the other channels, but monetization is automatically disabled for the CMS access channel; there are no monetization settings for same.
"the monitoring station for Content Management of his media asset fingerprints uploaded to the CID Program"

I saw this on the old YouTube Creator Help forum about two years ago. He can monetize any other channel on the account except the one which was originally granted CMS access if I make no mistake. He has his Adsense linked to the other channels, but monetization is automatically disabled for the CMS access channel; there are no monetization settings for same.
I believe you may be confusing CMS with CVP. CVP is incompatible with Monetization and is only used by Non YouTubers. Content ID integreates with monetization.
I believe you may be confusing CMS with CVP. CVP is incompatible with Monetization and is only used by Non YouTubers. Content ID integreates with monetization.
I thought that I asked the OP to give more information, but he never did. He may be using CVP; can you show me where it says that it is only for non-YouTubers?
What I meant by that is that it's aimed at TV companies, not active content creators (CID / Manual Claiming is a much better option for that). It's also incompatible with Monetization.