MMORPG, suggestions?

I play tera online and its addicting as hell always tons of quests to do and max level is only 60 i have been playing i when im bored and already hit level 55
F2P, I would recommend TOR. But it's mostly single player content unless you sub.

No subs, I would recommend GW2, which is a crap ton of fun, but you have to buy the box.
There's Aion, SW:tOR, LotRO...they're out there, you just have to look for them, some better than others.

If you're willing to buy the game once and play it whenever you'd like with no monthly charge, there's Guild Wars 2. Take that game slooooooow though, or you'll burn yourself out quick. That game is very much about the journey, not about the end.
F2P, I would recommend TOR. But it's mostly single player content unless you sub.

No subs, I would recommend GW2, which is a crap ton of fun, but you have to buy the box.
i got a trial of GW2 a while back when it was a try out weekend. i loved it but i wont be buying it anytime soon because im in need for money, and GW2 cost 60 bucks O_o
i know its worth it though :P
There's Aion, SW:tOR, LotRO...they're out there, you just have to look for them, some better than others.

If you're willing to buy the game once and play it whenever you'd like with no monthly charge, there's Guild Wars 2. Take that game slooooooow though, or you'll burn yourself out quick. That game is very much about the journey, not about the end.
yeah, i reached level 12 in the trail weekend a while back, i really enjoyed it but for now i wont buy it because i need money for diffrend stuff.
i got a trial of GW2 a while back when it was a try out weekend. i loved it but i wont be buying it anytime soon because im in need for money, and GW2 cost 60 bucks :confused:
i know its worth it though :p

Yeah and there's in game stuff you can purchase too, luckily you can convert in game gold into real money currency to buy the premium items.

That game sucked up a huge portion of my life when it came out, well worth the $60.
Yeah and there's in game stuff you can purchase too, luckily you can convert in game gold into real money currency to buy the premium items.

That game sucked up a huge portion of my life when it came out, well worth the $60.

It is a great game. I'll refrain from saying "was" simply because people are still playing it.

Don't expect to rush all the content and still feel super engrossed in the game though. It's definitely all about the story/adventure. I got 80 in the first month, got 100% map completion through out all the bugs, sat back, thought "now what", then logged off.
For me Tera Online which is now free to play and free to download I think is amazing. Phantasy Star Online 2 is not out yet but is very good (played the Japanese Beta last year). But anyway Tera is a really good Action MMORPG well worth playing.
It is a great game. I'll refrain from saying "was" simply because people are still playing it.

Don't expect to rush all the content and still feel super engrossed in the game though. It's definitely all about the story/adventure. I got 80 in the first month, got 100% map completion through out all the bugs, sat back, thought "now what", then logged off.

It's pretty amazing world to explore and the area quests were always fun to do. I don't know what the current population looks like, but when I was playing in release there was a ton of us out doing jumping puzzles, pvping and dungeon crawling. I'm not a big PVPer but once I hit cap and maxed my crafting I was pvping a lot to fill the time. I probably quit the game after a month and a half or so.