How old are you? ^_^

NINJA EDIT: Please don't arrest me Obama
I believe if you look on my profile or whatever it is called you would find out that I am 14, if you are asking because you think I am a sky fanboy I am not, I hardly watch him just from time to time mainly because of the seto thing.
Why do you have 150 subs but no videos?
oh i deleted them all i said that in my disscusion[DOUBLEPOST=1393684732,1393684525][/DOUBLEPOST]
"Due to haters"

Lmfao. You obviously don't know what a "hater" is. No one here was "hating".
the chicken guy further up the page, said "that is why no one likes minecraft youtubers" that is hate he aslo called anyone who is subscribed to a minecraft youtuber a moron.
I believe if you look on my profile or whatever it is called you would find out that I am 14, if you are asking because you think I am a sky fanboy I am not, I hardly watch him just from time to time mainly because of the seto thing.

You should post some videos really mate ;) then we can see the quality of your channel :)