Microphone Guide

Great post, very informative! Hadn't considered a mic before. Do you know of any common problems people run into when trying to use a mic for the first time? Say whilst editing video and audio at the sametime?
I've bought Samson Meteor Mic.
I think, it is the best microphone for recording your voice.

I have not used the Meteor. That said, best is all a question of subjective factors. I have a difficult time seeing any USB mic as "best" because the connection has inherent limitations for audio processing.
I have not used the Meteor. That said, best is all a question of subjective factors. I have a difficult time seeing any USB mic as "best" because the connection has inherent limitations for audio processing.
I use Audacity to delete noice. Of crouse, it is better to buy $1000 studio mic, but I'm talking about mic for youtube videos, podcasting, screencasting.
I use Audacity to delete noice. Of crouse, it is better to buy $1000 studio mic, but I'm talking about mic for youtube videos, podcasting, screencasting.

For just a few dollars more than the Meteor, you can buy an AudioTechnica AT2020 and accompanying gear. So it's not the mic that I'd personally recommend. Still, Samson is far superior to Blue mics so I won't go out of my way to say that you're wrong.
Thanks for sharing, I already realize that I need a better mic but I am not familiar with mics, so I was completely in the dark. Your thread really shed some light on the matter.
A few months ago I bought the Trust Starzz. It's not like the high end ones, but if you want an inexpensive microphone, but with a good quality at the same time, this is a perfect choice. :)
Excellent guide! I use an SM57 and it's proven awesome for both commentary recording and recording vocals for songs. Good for recording guitars either acoustic or in front of an amplifier too. :D