Mic Audio Error, Need Help!


A Wild Keebzy Appears!
hey guys,

so i recorded a video on saturday with no problems whatsoever but have just spent the entire night trying to record again and my mic is giving a really annoying buzzing sound, at first i thought it was feedback from being to close to my speakers or something but i moved it around and it made no difference, then i re-installed the drivers, tried different USB ports, restarted the computer, tried it with different softwares and it's still not working, here is a clip:

If anyone has had this problem before and knows how to fix it please let me know.

Did you drop it or something? Try calling or emailing the company that makes it. A lot of times they are able to help. Good luck man!
4 or 5 months
I don't have much experience with webcam mics. I have a usb Mic that was giving me the same problem. I fixed it by changing one of the setting that for some reason allows it to pick up radio stations and stuff. Where do you place your webcam? Sometimes it can be cause by different electronics and stuff like that.