I checked out one of your videos and I thought it was great. My parents and I love this type of content. I have to say that I differ from the other comments in that I love the walking videos that are over an hour. I'm personally disappointed when I see ones that are under 40 minutes. I won't usually click on them unless it's a very specific place that I'm wanting to see and there aren't any longer ones that are good quality. There's probably not another type of video that I would feel this way about, but with walking videos I enjoy being able to relax for a long time. I also think it's great that you don't add any music over or anything like that. If you are going to do editing and cut things out then I would suggest the beginning; the video I saw was one where you started at a map and then walked a little while before you got to the pretty forest. Otherwise I think having longer videos are fine. This is just a personal opinion but as someone who is a fan of these types of videos seeing that they're extra long wouldn't deter me from watching them, I might not expect to finish them necessarily but it wouldn't deter me from watching. So I think it would still help your watch time. Really nice job!
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Just some off-the-cuff thoughts.

1) Get a motorized gimbal to eliminate more of the bouncing. Nothing too expensive. $149 gets you a DI OM 4 Smartphone Gimbal.

2) You might want to get a better microphone and wear headphones while recording. Keep your eye on what your camera is recording but swivel your microphone around to catch better and louder nature sounds. This should also help reduce picking up your own footsteps.

3) Do entire nature trails from beginning to end. Don't make short videos or cut them up. YouTube is now rewarding longer videos.

4) Pick a niche and focus on it. I see on your "Videos" page that you trying to do two different types of videos: nature trail videos and white noise videos. Pick one or the other and then remove the ones that aren't the targeted niche. I'd suggest removing the white noise videos. If you just love to make white noise videos, start up another channel for just them.

5) Make a channel trailer that explains what your channel is about. Don't just use one of your nature trail videos.

6) Removed "Featured Channels" from your homepage. You do NOT want people leaving your channel page.

7) NEVER use the same thumbnail twice.

8) Only put a channel on your "Channels" page if it is similar to yours AND they do likewise on their "Channel" page. Otherwise, leave this page blank.

9) Put a post up on your "Discussion" page with each new video you post. Simply tell what it about. As for feedback.

Good luck!