Me and another channel happen to have *similar* niche! Help!


New Member
I don’t know if what I’m about to say will make sense... but I’m suddenly having anxiety over my niche for youtube. I recently discovered there’s another channel with very similar ideas as me. never saw that channel. Never was inspired by it. I’ve just been focusing on myself ya know? anyway, that channel actually commented on mine (nice, of course) but that’s how i found HERS and i realized we both have similar ideas (not identical) our delivery/style/personalities are VERY different. but now I’m having paranoia (because the community I’m in can be toxic) that maybe she thinks I’m copying or maybe someone came to her and said that. I’m going worst case scenario, even though that might not be the case. I don’t want this to now affect my content if that makes sense. Having to worrying that someone out there just so happens to have the same idea as me. a very vague one at that. our channels are still very different, BUT ugh I’m still having anxiety over it. it was hard enough putting myself out there FINALLY. Do you think I’m over reacting? how should I go about this? should I stop worrying ? I just don’t want this to become a problem later! For all I know it really was genuine, and she’s just showing support.... idk
First of all; nobody owns any niche, idea, concept, etc (except if it's copyrighted, but that's a different ballpark). Just think about how many people are in the gaming 'niche'. Do they get anxious cause they play the same game as someone else? No, they're fairly competing by bringing in their own original character, commentary and humor. I don't know what your niche is, but you will never ever be alone in it. Everything has either already been done or will be copied. So seriously, don't worry.

Things you can do in this situation:
- Support this other creator back! They reached out in a positive manner, so be sure to return the favour.
- Give them maybe a little shout out in a video, in the manner of 'hey, I found this person, seems like we had the same idea, let's all support each other!'
- Contact the creator directly and see if you can exchange ideas or maybe even collab :)
- Change your mindset. Don't think of the worst, but of the best. You found someone with similar interest/thinking pattern. That's awesome, not awful! Finding like minded individuals is a dream, cause those are the people you might really gel with :)
Don’t worry about it. In the real world look how many businesses occupy the same niche. You and this other channel may be friendly rivals.
You already you have different styles of delivery. So that may attract different audiences or fans. I sat keep doing what you are doing.