Gaming MCPE YouTube collabs! SMP,

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Jefferson Vidmore

New Member
MCPE, YouTubers needed for collabs, im new to YouTube I do Minecraft,, Hungry Shark Evolution, and more Videos. I've been on YouTube for about 3-4weeks and would like to collab with other MCPE YouTubers

Subcribers 50+
views 1,000+
videos (no required amount)
must have original content

=My channel so far=
✔️Subscribers: 43
✔️Views 1,000+
✔️Videos 8
✔️Upload 1-3 videos a week!
:wavespin::)We can collab sometime if you want I am also looking for a new friend and a collaboration partner;):)

Hi @Draconix

This thread is from August and OP hasn't been online since.. Please don't bump very old threads - It is likely that some of the people are no longer active here and it is very confusing for those who are. ^^ I suggest you create a collab thread of your own. Make sure to read the collab forum rules first. Good luck. :)
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