magic music master, crazy commentator guy
you wanted medieval right?Hey, how is that icon coming along? lol I am excited to see what you decide to do with it.
so I am trying to work with that.
a tricky subject indeed.
you wanted medieval right?Hey, how is that icon coming along? lol I am excited to see what you decide to do with it.
Haha, well I hope you like having your work cut out for you. If not, I can probably think of something else for wanted medieval right?
so I am trying to work with that.
a tricky subject indeed.
I am making itHaha, well I hope you like having your work cut out for you. If not, I can probably think of something else for you.
so may I ask why you want it medieval?Well thank you in advance, for taking extra time to make something a little out of the ordinary. I am excited to see how it turns out.
GAH IT'S SO HARD!!I have always been into medieval themes, and I think with my channel being called Archer of Sky, it seems a bit fitting.
wait does it look bad or are you ok with it?Haha I am not sure, I have never made icons before, hence the reason I asked you Hopefully it works out. haha
Hey Could you try something like black and red flamy looking thing. with soemthing like a gaming background saying "K5" And under neath for it to say "Gaming"I have tons of new textures to play with!
latest icon
View attachment 12757
hooray hoorah!