Services Making logos for free.

Ok I'll be working on some of your requests and let you know.
I'll post here when I am done.

Also please note : I won't be doing all the requests. So I am sorry if I couldn't do your work :)
Any updates on this? Have you forgotten us? :( Can you at least give us an idea of who've you chosen?
Could I get a logo for my channel,'ThatToxicPanda', a theme of a cartoon panda with a sort of angry essence to it?
No worries if you can't, Cheers, Olly
Hey just wondering if you could give us a update on your progress on the logos because it has been about 2 weeks now, thanks.

My youtube name is Thekidkode. But can you make my logo with like a cool twist to it all i want the letters to be is kk. One k is backwards the other on is normal. Thanks
Hi, I normally charge money for my work but I am doing work for free for sometime to expand my portfolio.
You can view my work here : b e h a n c e (d o t) n e t / s i l v e r d e s i g n s (no spaces)

I will be designing your logo for free and if you want you could add a little tip or give a shout out to help me out but it's not necessary.

I am only taking interesting projects as of now.

You can post here and if I like what you do then I will be designing the logo for you.


Hey I was wondering if you can make a icon/logo/Avatar for my youtube channel and a banner as well.

I would like for the banner to have "Inform and Engage" (in Americorps font) in it with a T.V. and an animated guy holding a sign up in the air in it. You can improvise with the color scheme (with a bright theme) It can also say life improvement skills & current events in it (if it can fit.)

In the Avatar it could just say Inform and Engage in bold Americorps font (I saw Americorps font on, if you dont have that font you can choose anotherone thats kinda of bold.)

The font colors can be green and white like my icon or your can choose a different icon background color with white font. I just want to get a new one thats more updated and popping.

I need a banner for my new Community Channel.
I'd like to have the 3 images behind ITG and below it saying Involve the Gamers. Glowing Effects around the Sora and the Words, also if possible show that this channels recruiting!
I would like Red, Green, Yellow as colors
Images: Final Form Sora, Any Black Ops 2 person, and a Maplestory Phantom.
Have Sora (First Link) in the middle and have it shade to black overtime as you get closer to the edge.
I need a logo realated to my channel called Skagex h t t p : / / youtube . com / skagex
I would love a logo. :) I will give you a shoutout and a spot in my sub box in return :). I just want it to look good. I don't really have any preferences. :)
Still making the free logos? Or am i too late? :(:(:(:(:(:(:([DOUBLEPOST=1375485223,1375485117][/DOUBLEPOST]Well let see I do fitness videos, workouts, nutritional information, recipes, and pretty much anything that is fitness related, looking for a great logo and seems like i came to the right place. If done i could provide a nice shoutout on my channel and give you credit in description box at all times?