Machinima Partnership!

Because at the time they were the best, with the best CPM. But then, more networks appeared and the have different CPM. Machinima's CPM is fixed, meaning that it doesnt go any higher or any lower. But the other networks all have a CPM that varies depending on different factores. Most big youtubers in machinima want out, but since they have a 5 year contract, they have to stay...
Because at the time they were the best, with the best CPM. But then, more networks appeared and the have different CPM. Machinima's CPM is fixed, meaning that it doesnt go any higher or any lower. But the other networks all have a CPM that varies depending on different factores. Most big youtubers in machinima want out, but since they have a 5 year contract, they have to stay...
Actually only some of the bigger Partners had fixed CPMs and they are the ones who got sent the machinima email
I see a bunch of tweets of you spamming Machinima partners pretending to know what goes on in a network that you have nothing to do with, and very few of them responding. Send us a screenshot of your Skype chats with the actual chat blurred of course and we might believe you talked to all of them. No offense, but I doubt many Youtubers would even consider going to a network who's hubs are 1/100 the size of their channels. Also, they cannot legally tell you anything about their pay anyways. Unhappy or not, they signed legally binding confidential contract. Nothing against you or Vultra, but I find it hard to believe that they were all talking to you about their Machinima contracts and pay.
Actually alot of that is wrong.
I sent tweets to the machinima partners with a fixed pay, 70% of those got emails.
Hubs don`t means anything, Support and CPMs are high at Vultra
Yes, they can, most of the big guys wern`t under NDA and some have already been released.
Have you not been on twitter recently? all the bigger guys (ones with a fixed split) were offered a bad contract so instead of accepting it they are leaving
all is not the right word. Some of them are leaving but some are not. For 1, XJawz has said he will never leave Machinima no matter the pay cuts, because he claims they are the most professionally run gaming network. (and on a level of professionalism he is right). He said that on the bad kid podcast, but sadly all of DJKeemstar's channels were removed again, so you cannot see BKS old episodes anymore. I can assure you that their are other commentators who also plan to stay with Machinima. He was just the first that came to mind.
all is not the right word. Some of them are leaving but some are not. For 1, XJawz has said he will never leave Machinima no matter the pay cuts, because he claims they are the most professionally run gaming network. (and on a level of professionalism he is right). He said that on the bad kid podcast, but sadly all of DJKeemstar's channels were removed again, so you cannot see BKS old episodes anymore. I can assure you that their are other commentators who also plan to stay with Machinima. He was just the first that came to mind.
I only know 1 of like 80 whos staying even Fearcrads who was staying is now leaving. Plus I do not in any way think Machinima are professional

Professional companies DO NOT change a contract before it ends that was really bad and that`s why many are leaving regardless of the pay-cuts
I only know 1 of like 80 whos staying even Fearcrads who was staying is now leaving. Plus I do not in any way think Machinima are professional

Professional companies DO NOT change a contract before it ends that was really bad and that`s why many are leaving regardless of the pay-cuts
Yes and no. A lot are leaving but a lot are also staying. Machinima was a company founded by businessmen not gamers. The have hired gamers Seananners for example to work at the company on the gaming and Youtube side, but they are ultimately run by people who know how to run a company. The majority if not all of the other networks were founded by gamers/Youtubers and are still run by them. They may know how to grow a Youtube channel, but they have no business running a company. Yeousch for instance is a company that is entirely run by gamers who know close to nothing about marketing, public relations, contracts, selling ads, etc. That is why the networks in all of Youtube that have always been the most successful have been so successful. These being Machinima, Fullscreen (not Yeousch just Fullscreen), and Maker.
Yes and no. A lot are leaving but a lot are also staying. Machinima was a company founded by businessmen not gamers. The have hired gamers Seananners for example to work at the company on the gaming and Youtube side, but they are ultimately run by people who know how to run a company. The majority if not all of the other networks were founded by gamers/Youtubers and are still run by them. They may know how to grow a Youtube channel, but they have no business running a company. Yeousch for instance is a company that is entirely run by gamers who know close to nothing about marketing, public relations, contracts, selling ads, etc. That is why the networks in all of Youtube that have always been the most successful have been so successful. These being Machinima, Fullscreen (not Yeousch just Fullscreen), and Maker.
Yeousch doesnt need to know business as Fullscrern take care of those aspects, also Yeousch has got more bigger people than Fullscreen :p
Yeousch doesnt need to know business as Fullscrern take care of those aspects, also Yeousch has got more bigger people than Fullscreen :p
Fullscreen is just the parent company handling Yeousch's CMS and all that stuff, but Yeousch still needs to know business as they are a business. Yeousch and Fullscreen have both said it before that they are not that closly related. They are just the parent company that allows Yeousch to have partnering capabilities. And go to the networks part of Socialblade and look at fullscreen (both Yeousch and Fullscreen partners appear here). The biggest ones are almost all fullscreen partners not Yeousch. 8 of the top 10 or Fullscreen partners not Yeousch.