MacBook Pro

Depends how much you want to spend really. Because sure Macs are nice, won't deny it, but they are INCREDIBLY expensive for the power that you get.
If i would upgrade rams and processor that would be around $1550 ( I dont even have that kind of money right now) so that is why i dont know if better processor is a must,
The MacBook Pro is the only laptop I'd recommend and the only Apple computer product that I'd ever consider buying. I see a ton of laptops at YouTube Space-most are heavily used for editing and the MacBook Pros are the most reliable out of everything that gets used there-which is why all the YouTube employees use them. We've even used one to render 5k Red footage with the aid of a Red Rocket. The only thing rougher on a computer is @KGATV's dog.
It just depends if you don't mind spending the extra money for a better looking PC but with less good performance, plus I've heard Apple now solder the RAM on, not sure if that also applies to Mac Pros but it does for Mac Airs..
Although you can get a laptop of a higher specification than a macbook at the same or lower price, the prices of MacBooks are actually pretty great for what you get. For example, I once bought a Dell laptop for three and a half grand and it kept falling apart. While after the eleventh repair job they got so fed up with it, they got me a new laptop, which I have since sold and hence bought a Macbook which actually costs a little less and has roughly the same specs. With a macbook you are getting an arguably better operating system with an AppStore that is actually pretty great and also lots of free software that you would have to pay for for an equivalent suite on PC. Plus if anything does go wrong, you can just go to the apple store to get it repaired which is a lot easier than having to spend two hours on the phone and either post the laptop to them or pay extra to get a man to come to you. Also, if you can, try to get a 15 inch MacBook Pro with a separate, more powerful graphics card. As you might use the laptop for three to even five years, the slightly extra outlay is worth it for a bit of extra performance. Also all software updates are free so you don't have to spend hundreds of dollars to get the latest software and Apple's version of Microsoft office called 'iWork' is also free :D So, all in all, it's a matter of paying a little more (or less in my case) to save some money later. Hope that helped
For the price difference, if you have the money I would go with the higher one. Also I wouldn't move up to Final Cut Pro, I would move straight to Premiere Pro.
Thank you guys :) I think I am gonna stick with i5 and upgrade to 8 ram. I am not gonna do any heavy editing. Just 3 minutes vlogs so for now i5 should be enough I guess. Plus I cannot afford 15inch right now(sad face). If I ever get to the point when I would do it professionaly I'll buy an iMac.
I want to buy MacBook Pro 13-inch that I will use for editing.
There is a choise beetween 2.5GHz Dual-core Intel Core i5, Turbo Boost up to 3.1GHz processor and 2.9GHz Dual-core Intel Core i7, Turbo Boost up to 3.6GHz.
The price difference is $150. I want to start editing with iMovie but eventually buy Final Cut Pro. Do you think I will need the faster one to keep up with the software?
FCP X is very CPU intensive, but I would go for more RAM than CPU.
What is your budget?