Mac Tutorial: Save Your Youtube Files!


MLG Player | aoX | UnDefined | ReBirth |
Hey guys, so I know that a few people on this site actually have a mac, and seeing as most likely we all have those cousins who attempt to get on your computer and such, and they might even delete on accident something of utmost importance here are a few ways to secure your files.

Way 1 (Recommended)

On the desktop, head on over to "spotlight" which is located on the top right corner of your screen. Open that, and search for the application "Terminal". Open this up and let's get started.

Okay, so now that your in terminal, a few easy commands will get you the desired result of NEVER worrying about people interfering with your things. On the line type this command:

mkdir .(insertyourfilename)

¡Important! Do not forget the period, and put your file name Directly after the period. So, for this tutorial, I will use the file name tutorial so my code would look like:

mkdir .tutorial

(background info: mkdir stands for make directory (hint hint a folder ) )

now we have our folder saved in our system. But what I did not tell you is how that is helpful.. seeing as you could create a new folder with cmd + N on the desktop. Well, a period in front of your folder created from terminal actually makes this a hidden folder. :rolleyes: So now there is no way for people without the foldername to figure out your stuff.

Next part ~ Getting to your folder:

Okay, I have a folder, I know the folder name but when I search for it nothing appears, so what gives?

Oh, forgot to tell you :rolleyes: you need to use this command in the folder window:

Shift + Cmd + G

In Finder this will actually create a little window that allows you to search for folders, so all you have to do is type WITH THE PERIOD your name of the folder so for me


and it will bring you to that folder, where you can now drag in important files that you need to save.

NOTE: for increased protection create the hidden folder, let's call it first so create .first then in the folder create 3 folders (visible) and name them each a part of your name
so for me:

One folder would be Jared one would be William and one would be Bosco. Now put a hidden file in ONE of those and to get to it, you will now need to know a hidden file, then which of the files it was in then the name of the second hidden folder.

This works because to find the hidden folder, you need to be in the home directory of it, so if your in the wrong part of your name, the folder will not open.


If you are afraid of hackers, or your cousin is a ninja pro, do this method.

Go to spotlight, and search for Disk Utility and open that up.

Click on the new .dmg button on the top (slightly centered).

This will ask you for the name and such, and when you get to encryption part, choose either of the 2. (if your really scared, pick the 256 AES) and that will create your .dmg with a password on it that you choose.

Now, right click on the white thing with the same name (not the .dmg) and click eject. Now when you click on the .dmg it will ask for a password or else they cant get in.

NOTE: because I have had run-ins with a few very talented hackers :( here is my setup (little over the top)

The AES 256 encryption .dmg inside are 10 folders.

inside of all of them are different folders.

inside one of those are all of my hidden folders, with hidden folders in them.


Yeah I know, but my files are so secure atm, I feel pretty secure ;)

If you guys have any questions, I'd love to help, also might make a video on this

NOTE: about my setup, that is actually in my flashdrive so... thats why it is so secure because flash drives are pretty easy to break into without protection.
ALSO: I have no clue how to do this on Windows / Linux (Although I believe Linux has a terminal application) so sorry to the majority of users if you were looking for something like this. :)
Wow. Had no idea on how to do hidden folders! Thankfully no one monkeys around on my mac. My wife has her PC and my daughter has a newer mac...