Gaming Looking to do a series called gamer chatter

Sounds intresting.
Altough my english is not the best hopefully you will find it good enough and invite me on sometime.
I´m 19
skype: kaselaan.karl
I've always wanted to join one of these.
My Twitter is @Lamefulluis
My Skype is LamefulLuis
Pretty much everything is LamefulLuis.
I'm 18.
This is a great idea, talking about videogames is always fun. It'd be great to do so with people whom also know what they are talking about.
Hey everyone i have a series idea and would love it if any of ya would love to do the series called gamer chatter where we talk games news and other stuff basically like a podcast thnaks Follow me on twitter @Toixc-Ninja01
Do you need anyone to talk with, because i'm open
Skype: MuddyMudkip (Theres a few I'm the one from UK)
Check out my youtube if you wanna make sure ill be interesting for it mate