Voice Acting Looking For Voice Actor/Impressionist Collab!

Lots. To name a few... Markaplier, Yamimash, Tyrone Magnus, Loki, Red Skull, Mickey Mouse,Goofy, Quentin Tarantino, FRIENDS (Joey, Ross, Chandler), Finding Nemo Cast, Edna Mode (The Incredibles), Ryan Reynolds, Tom Cruise, Willem Dafoe, Ed Edd n Eddy Cast, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Joker (Heath Ledger and Mark Hamil Versions), Family Guy Cast, Metal Gear Solid (Video Game Characters)

That's just to name a few...

If you want you can check my channel
That's all?Wow, i can do much more.
That's all?Wow, i can do much more.
Nope, that's not all. I was just naming a few..[DOUBLEPOST=1428763167,1428762996][/DOUBLEPOST]
I can do a good impression of the golem from Lord of the Rings. I can also do a good impression of the movie trailer guy who does all the voice overs for the trailers, such as the "In a world...", and I can do a good British voice :p
Alright, we may have something here.. You interested in working together for a vid or two?
I'm interested also. I can do most southpark characters (Cartman). I can do stitch (Disney) and a bunch other random stuff. I'm currently working on john madden. Almost got it down.