Meet Up/Gathering Looking for UK YouTubers to be interviewed

This would be awesome! Very interested, Located about an hour from London. Can't see a link to your channel however as it says the link you have atm doesn't exist. I would love to take part in this however if your interested also. You can DM me on Twitter if you have that which you can find a link to from my channel or email me.[DOUBLEPOST=1442850310,1442786350][/DOUBLEPOST]
Hi there!

My name's Ash, I host a weekly talk show called YouTalk TV where I speak to a different interesting person each episode and discuss their channels, videos and ask them silly questions. Usually the interviews are held via Skype but I'm looking to set up some face to face interviews with other UK YouTubers.

The ideal interviewee would be an active YouTuber with a unique channel and a fair fan following. Despite this, there aren't any restrictions/minimum requirements and I'd encourage anyone to take part!

I'm located in the Midlands (Northampton area) but would be willing to travel to conduct the interview (although Edinburgh might be a bit far!)

If you think this is something you'd like to take part in please leave a reply including a link to your channel and where you're located :)

In reply to my earlier post I am happy to drive if that's easier :D
This sounds awesome, I'm located in East London, I'm Venezuelan and my channel is mainly based on geeky comedy topics (Comic, TV, Movies, Sketches), you can check it out on my signature and my twitter is @jorgedaszkal if you want to contact me
Hi yes I would be most interested in this for sure, I live in the north east but if its easier we could do a google hangout or something???
Hi there! I would absolutely love to be involved. How does meeting in London sound?
My channel link is in my signature and my email is - although, do let me know if you've dropped me a line as my phone doesn't always notify me!