Animation Looking For Talented Animation Youtubers


Active Member
Do you feel like your hard-worked on projects get no recognition?

Youtube is a harsh environment where you either grind for years to get to the top or become the %0.1 that get lucky.

I need animation Youtubers who want to shine and don't want their amazing videos to be washed up by the millions of terrible videos that lack passion and thought. I want animation Youtubers that want to take over Youtube and become the Kings.

My team will consist of Youtubers from all genres of video-making, working together to be the best on Youtube. Using our skills and experience we can help each succeed and boom upwards. I need people that are different from the rest and can work in a friendly and helpful environment.

If this sounds like you, message me:

1. A little bit about your talent

2. Why you want to join this group

3. How you can help other Youtubers in the group

Discord: Hiper115#0574

Skype: Hiper115

Twitter: @Hiper115



Our main place to meet up will be a Discord sever I made.

Hope to hear from you soon!