Music Looking for other singers/musicians to collab with!

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Hey :) I'd love to collab at some point! Your channel is awesome :) My channel is mostly singing if you'd like to check it out and see if you think we could collab?
im a rapper although i can probably sing a lil bit.. also anyone from this post wanting to collab just let me know.. im productive and also really good with video seo and music editing mixing/mastering.. looking forward to it
hey I might be interested! If you want to know how I sing you can check my "Bowser's castle" song that is covered entirely by me on my channel ('cause I have another one but it's with a friend)
and if you think I may be able to do it just reply ^^ byeeee
This thread is from several months ago and the OP hasn't been back to the forums in a long time. I've locked this to prevent confusion about active collaborations. ^^
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